Hoarding? You Have the Power to Change

There are specific criteria that can identify a person as a hoarder. Despite there being diagnostic and evaluative information available to be able to label people with a diagnosis or problem, I actually don’t think it’s helpful at all.  Creating a label doesn’t change a situation, action does.

Extraordinary Situations Call For Extraordinary Measures

You look around your home and find there are piles of laundry that will take at least a dozen loads of washing to clean.  Or maybe there are mounds of dirty dishes that have been left to molder since you ran out of clean dishes 8 months ago!  You want to make a radical change in how you manage your stuff. The most radical strategy I employ with clients in these situations is going to shock you.

Solving disorganization with containers

When wanting to create organization, it’s easy to see well-purposed containers in pictures online (or in our friends’ pantries) and assume that the organization is caused by the containers.  This is false.  “Organizing paraphernalia” are accessories.  Organization CAN include bins, but they are far along in the process for most projects, not the beginning.  They certainly will not solve the main issue of most chronic disorganization: too much stuff!

Reduce Your Accounts

There are advertisements all around us touting the benefits of using this or that credit card or bank account to earn points, get rewards, earn airline miles, get a sign-up bonus, etc. But have you ever wondered if you are really getting something for nothing? I have adjusted my use of these cards and gained some surprising insights to share with you.

Respect What Your Kids Say

Many parents want their adult children to cherish the same family belongings and heirlooms that they do. If you have expressly asked your children if they want something, and they do not, there are several reasons to accept their responses and let the item go.

Disaster Preparedness

Did you know that September is disaster preparedness month? No matter where you live and what types of disasters you might encounter, there are concrete steps that you can take now to make a disaster easier to navigate.

Organize for Real Life

Everyone loves those beautiful and organized pictures on Pinterest, in magazines, or on Instagram. But we are all real people and need tips to organize our real life. Here are some quick tips on organizing for real life.