Organize for Real Life

Organize for Real Life

I love organization porn.  You know what I’m talking about: those beautiful pictures on Pinterest, in magazines, on Instagram, and on The Container Store or IKEA websites.  The images are crisp, well-lit, and clear.  Everything has a home.  Things are color-coded and everything matches.

They’re great to look at for inspiration and motivation, but they don’t reflect real life.  They offer a glimpse at what is likely not attainable for most people.  Sure, if you have a housekeeper or full-time assistant who has some free time, then these types of organization systems make sense.  

For the rest of us, we need to organize for real life, because we’re real people.

What does organizing for real life look like?

  • You know where your items are and can find them when you need them

  • Things fit well in their designated homes

  • Family members can find what they need and know where things should be returned to

  • The system is easy to maintain and can be put back in order quickly if things get out of control

Of course, it’s nice to have things match and be aesthetically pleasing, but that can come later.  If you’re a busy professional or a stretched-thin parent, it’s probably not practical to expect that you’ll decant the cereal into beautiful glass jars or rainbow order your family’s clothes and books.

Be realistic about your abilities, your goals, and what you can actually maintain long-term.  Then lower the bar of your expectations and start organizing for the real life you actually live.

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