All in Productivity

Where Does All The Time Go?

In these days of always-on internet, constant interruptions, high-pressure work, and family obligations, you might feel like the days are slipping away. This article will introduce a simple, but effective, strategy to help you bring awareness to your day.

Don’t Delay

Have you ever said that you would set something down 'for now" and then later had to look for it because it wasn't where it should have been? Don’t worry. It’s a bad habit, but one that you can break!

Find Your Natural Productivity Rhythm

There’s a myth out there that morning people are the most productive and that if you want to be efficient and effective, you must get up early and hit the day running. It’s not true! It is better to figure out when YOU work the best, and using the process of elimination could help you determine your best work time.

Document Your Progress

Documenting your progress in any endeavor of importance is vital if you want to know exactly where you came from to compare with where you end up. This can help prevent feeling like you’ve not made any progress (like when you are decluttering a room) or give you evidence that you are making progress that might not otherwise be visible (like practicing a daily shutdown ritual).

You Might Need A Commute

Home workers are continually surprised that they can’t simply ease into a work or school routine while working from home. For productivity specialists, this isn’t all that surprising. Our minds don’t make transitions as quickly and as easily as we’d like to believe. It’s because they’re missing one critical piece of the puzzle: The commute.

An Easier Way to Journal

You’ve probably heard that keeping a journal will improve your life in some way. Dust off one of those journals you’ve been collecting (I know I’m not the only one who has dozens of unused or partially-used journals). It might be time to revisit closing out your day by doing some focused reflection.

Setting up Learning Stations for Virtual School

Have you finally accepted that your kids will likely be doing a lot of virtual learning for the foreseeable future? It looks like virtual learning, at least part time, will be here to stay.

While a lot of parents muddled through the first round of at-home school when things shut down in March, now might be a good time to set up an on-purpose learning station in your home.

9 Ways to Ease Your Work-From-Home Struggles

As a productivity and time management consultant, I’ve been helping my clients get a better handle on the new work-from-home reality that doesn’t have a known end-date. If you’re one of the ones who are struggling and feeling like there’s something wrong with you for not adapting well, know that you are not alone.

We Should Stop Worrying About Getting Stuff Done

Here in the United States, most of us have been ordered to stay at home for the past 6ish weeks. While everyone is experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic crisis in their own way, I’ve noticed there are a lot of similarities in the ways many of us are feeling.

My conversations with a lot of colleagues, friends, and clients have shown that many of us spent the first few weeks in a sort of denial and fog. I think we had a hope that this was all very temporary and that things would get back to “normal” soon enough.