All in Finances

Reduce Your Accounts

There are advertisements all around us touting the benefits of using this or that credit card or bank account to earn points, get rewards, earn airline miles, get a sign-up bonus, etc. But have you ever wondered if you are really getting something for nothing? I have adjusted my use of these cards and gained some surprising insights to share with you.

Finances in a Time of Crisis

If you have experienced a significant decrease in or elimination of your employment and are freaking out about how or if you can pay the bills, I’d like to offer some tips. Times might be tough, but there are steps you can take now to improve the situation. There are things you can control and ways that you can move to a more stable financial position.

No-Cost Organizing Tips

We’re 7 weeks into the stay-at-home order in my state. In my last blog I talked about being ok with not getting stuff done during this difficult time.

Now, for a lot of people the fog seems to finally be lifting. Maybe it’s the sporadic, sunny spring weather here in New England that’s helping us feel ready to move forward in this new reality.