All tagged Business

Document Your Progress

Documenting your progress in any endeavor of importance is vital if you want to know exactly where you came from to compare with where you end up. This can help prevent feeling like you’ve not made any progress (like when you are decluttering a room) or give you evidence that you are making progress that might not otherwise be visible (like practicing a daily shutdown ritual).

You Might Need A Commute

Home workers are continually surprised that they can’t simply ease into a work or school routine while working from home. For productivity specialists, this isn’t all that surprising. Our minds don’t make transitions as quickly and as easily as we’d like to believe. It’s because they’re missing one critical piece of the puzzle: The commute.

Setting Up A Digital File System

When it comes to digital clutter, it’s easy to fall into the trap of ‘out-of-sight, out-of-mind.’ Make sure that you can find digital files when you need to reference them. That is the first rule of filing: Organize your files in a way that makes retrieval possible.

Finances in a Time of Crisis

If you have experienced a significant decrease in or elimination of your employment and are freaking out about how or if you can pay the bills, I’d like to offer some tips. Times might be tough, but there are steps you can take now to improve the situation. There are things you can control and ways that you can move to a more stable financial position.

9 Ways to Ease Your Work-From-Home Struggles

As a productivity and time management consultant, I’ve been helping my clients get a better handle on the new work-from-home reality that doesn’t have a known end-date. If you’re one of the ones who are struggling and feeling like there’s something wrong with you for not adapting well, know that you are not alone.