A Technique For Making A Decision About Your Belongings
Most disorganized individuals find it difficult to determine whether to keep an item or let it go. That inability to make a decision inevitably will lead to clutter. For those who struggle, there are various techniques that you can learn from Professional Organizers to guide you towards effective decision-making.
One of the strategies I frequently employ when helping clients make decisions is the rating scale. I ask clients to rate how much they like (or want) an item on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being lowest and 10 being highest.
Then we create a rule that says:
Rating of 9 or 10 is an automatic keep
Rating of 1 to 4 is an automatic discard (donate or trash as appropriate)
Rating of 5 to 7 is a maybe
When it comes to the maybes, we use multiple criteria to determine whether those items stay. Questions that are asked might include:
How will they use it, and how often?
Is there something else they already have that can be used instead?
Does it fit with their current goals?
Is there a place for it?
Is it a hassle to keep?
If you’re struggling with decluttering and think guidelines might help, then try out this rating scale technique. Putting a number to items may make the decisions clearer and easier.